Following the establishment of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike by Decree No 48 of 1992, the University started in 1993/1994 academic session with six (6) Colleges, which included College of Animal Science and Animal Health (CASAH), with two (2) departments, viz; Non-rumunant Animal Production (NRAP) and Ruminant Animal Production (RAP). At the 95th Senate meeting of the University of February, 2007, approval was given for the renaming of the College to College of Animal Science and Animal Production (CASAP). Following the renaming of the College, three departments emerged, namely;
The Department was first headed by Dr. F.C. Okoye as an acting head of Department from 1993/1994 to 1996/1997 academic session. In 1997/1998 academic session, Dr. E.O. Onyekweodiri took over the headship of the Department also in an acting capacity. Prof. U. Herbert was appointed a sustantive head of the Department from 2005 to 2007. In 2007, Dr. F.O Ahamefule was appointed the acting head of Department, and served till 2012. Then Dr. K.U. Amaefule was appointed the acting head of the Department from 2012 to 2013, before Prof. J.A. Ibeawuchi was appointed substantive head of Department from 2013 to 2016. In January 4th, 2017 Dr. U. Okah was appointed the acting head of Department for a two – year tenure which ended on 3rd January, 2019. He was again re-appointed for second two years tenure from January 3rd, 2019 to January 2nd, 2021.