HOD - Plant Health Management


Date of Birth:May 2, 1960

Nationality:   Nigerian

State of Origin:Imo

Marital Status:Married

Contact Address:Department of Plant Health Management,Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, P.M.B. 7267, Umuahia, AbiaState  Nigeria.

Phone:  08037446891, E-mail: alx2awurum@yahoo.com,awurum.alex@mouau.edu.ng

Permanent Address: UmuezeAmaimo, Ikeduru L.G.A, Imo State.

Next-of-Kin: Dr. Franca C. Awurum

Status of First Appointment:Assistant Lecturer

Present Status: Associate Professor

Date of Last Promotion:   October 1, 2013

Date of Last Promotion: October 1, 2013
Date of Confirmation of Appointment:    May 2, 1996
Present Salary: Conuass63    

1979 – 1983 University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
1989 – 1994 Ahamadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
1996 – 2005 Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State Nigeria   
B.Sc. (22Hons), Botany, 1983 University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
M.Sc. Crop Protection,1994, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Ph.D, Plant Pathology, 2005, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike,     Abia State, Nigeria.
2009     Certificate of Completion of 12 hours hands-on training in Microbial Fermentation, Centre for Integrated BioSystems, Urah State University, U.S.A.


1978 – 1979     Laboratory Assistant, Okotie-Eboh Grammar School, Sapele, Delta State, Nigeria.  
1984        Biology Teacher (NYSC), Comprehensive Secondary School, Ukpom, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria.
1986 – 1989    Operations Officer (Scientific), Savannah Enterprises Ltd, Maiduguri, Nigeria
1990 – 1993    Lecturer (Part-time), School of General and Remedial Studies, A.B.U., Zaria.
1990 – 1993    Lecturer (Part-time), (LVT), Department of Science Education, A.B.U. Zaria,

May 1, 1994        Assistant Lecturer
October 1, 1997    Lecturer II
October 1, 2002    Lecturer 1
October 1, 2006    Senior Lecturer
October 1, 2013    Associate Professor


Enyiukwu D.N. 2011 – Evaluation of the Fungitoxic Activity of some Phytochemicals on the Causal Agent of Anthracnose of Cowpea ColletotrichumdestructivumO’gapa. M.Sc Dissertation, Department of Plant Health Management, Michael Okpara University of    Agriculture, Umudike.
Emo, I.P. 2011 -Field Trial on the Potentials of Some Local Plant Extracts for the Control of Cowpea Anthracnose Disease in Nigeria.M.Sc Dissertation, Department of Plant Health Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.
Three (3) MS.C Students and Five(5)Ph.D Students

CAE 211: General Agriculture
PHM 313: Principles of Crop Protection
PHM 423: Crop Harvesting and Storage
PHM 424: Crop Protection, Pest and Disease Control
PHM 511: Weed Science
PHM 513: Identification and Control of Soil-borne Pathogens
PHM 521: Pesticides and Their Application
PHM 522: Fungal Diseases of Tropical Crops and Their Control
PHM 524: Nematode Diseases of Tropical Crops Their Control
CPP 521: Farming Systems
PHM 611: Principles of Plant Pathology
PHM 612: Weed Control
PHM 625: Principles and Practice of Plant Disease Management
PHM 711: Plant Disease Diagnosis
PHM 712: Ecology and Control of Soil-borne Diseases
PHM 713: Plant Disease Physiology
PHM 714: Post Harvest Pathology
PHM 813: Dissemination and Survival of Plant Pathogens
PHM 822: Host Resistance and Immunization
COS 514: Plant Protection and Toxicology
COS 608: Advanced Plant Pathology
PHM 726: Biology and Ecology of Weeds

PHM: 824 Principles of Pests Control and Management

PHM 911: Advanced Mycology


1.    Awurum, A.N. (1999)    Evaluation of Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Cultivars under rainfed and irrigated conditions in the humid tropics. Journal of Sustainable Agric and Environ (JSAE) 1:56-60.

2.    Awurum, A.N. (2000) Effect of Planting date on incidence and severely of     some of fungal diseases of cowpea in the humid tropics of South-Eastern Nigeria. JSAE 2(1) 128-133.

3.    Awurum, A.N. (2001)Effect of Population density on the growth and yield     onion (Allium Cepa L.) in Umudike, South-Eastern Nigeria. JSAE 3(2):337-340

4.    Awurum, A.N. and    Emechebe, A.M.(2001)The Effect of Leaf spot diseases and staking on yield and yieldattributes of winged bean. Journal of  Applied Chemistry and Agric. Research 7: 51-57.

5.    Awurum, A.N; Emechebe,    A.M and Amadioha, A.C.Effects of cropping systems on disease development in cowpea (Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp in Umudike South-Eastern Nigeria.(2001)JSAE 3(1): 31-38.

6.    Okwu, D.E and Awurum, A.N.(2001)Effects of fertilizer application on the chemical Composition of cassavatubers and their garri product J. Applied Chemical and Agric. Research. 7:140-147.

7.    Awurum, A.N (2004)Isolation of seed-borne mycofloradof Winged bean and their effect on seedlings. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment. 4(1 & 2): 1-5

8.    Okpara, D.A; Awurum, A.N and Okeke,  A.I Effect of Planting schedule and density on cowpea/Maize intercopping    in South-Eastern Nigeria. Journal of sustainable Tropical Agric.(2004)Research. 11:59-67.
9.    Awurum, A.N; Okwu,D.E and Onyeokoro,In Vitro and in Vivo control of Colletotrichumdistructivum in cowpea using some plant extracts. J. Sci. Tech. and Environ. 5(1& 2): 52-57.P.O.  (2005)                    

10.    Okwu,D.E; Awurum, and Okoronkwo, J.I    Phytochemical composition and in vitro outifungal activity screening ofextracts from Citrus Plants against Fusariumoxysporum of Okra plant(2007)    (Hibiscus Esculentus). Pest Technology 12(): 142-14.

11.    Awurum, A.N (2011)Effect of seed disinfection and plating medium on Paper germination of winged bean (Psophocarpustetragonolobus (L.) seeds. ActaAgronomicaNigeriana. 11(1 & 2): 1-7.        

12.    Awurum, A.N andNwaneri, J.A (2011) Fungitoxic effect of some plant extracts on Wet rot of Amaranthus induced by ChoanephoracucurbiarumNigeria Journal of
    plant protection. 25 (2): 230-236.

13.    Awurum, A.N andOkorie, I.B. (2011)Control of field fungal diseases of Okra (Abelmuscus extracts of someesculentus (L.)Moernch) using Plants. Nigerian Agricultural Journal.42-311-321.

14.    Enyiukwu, D.N. and    Awurum, A.N (2011)Effects of Phytochemicals from roots and seeds of Carica papayaand Piper guinense seeds on Germination of spores ofColletotrichumdestructivumContinental Journal of Applied Sciences. 6(3): 55-59.
15.    Awurum, A.N,Emechebe, A.M, Amadioha, A.C. and Wokocha, R.C. (2012Development of Pseudocercospraleafspot on cowpea(Vignaunguiculata (L.)Walp in intrcrop systems.Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection. 26(1):1612-172)

16.    Enyiukwu, D.N. andAwurum, A.N. (2012)Comparative Fungitoxcity of Benomyl and extracts of Carica papayaroots and seeds and Piper guinense Seeds on Collectotrichumdestructivum O’ Gara. Continental Journal of Biological Sciences. 6(1):2630.

17.    Awurum, A.N and Enyiukwu, D.N (2013)    Evaluation of the seed dressing potentials of phytochemicals fromCaricapapaya and piper Guinense on the germination of cowpea (Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp seeds and indicidence of the seed-borne fungi. Cont. J. Agric. Sc. 7(1):29-35

18.    Awurum, A.N. and    Kenneth O. (2013)    Phytechemical toxicity on seed-borne mycoflora of two onion(Allium cepa L.) cultivars. Cotinetal J. of Biological Sciences. 6(3):8-15

19.    Awurum, A.N andOgbonna, M.J. (2013)    Field trial on the efficacy of some plant extracts on the control of wetrot of Amaranthuscruentus L. indusced by Choanephoracucurbitarum. Cotinental Journal of Agronomy. 7(1): 10-17.

20.    Awurum, A.N andUcheagwu, P.O (2013)Effects of duration of contract of seed extracts of Piper guinense,Monodoramyristica and XylopiaAethiopica on the germination and incidence of seed-borne fungi of stored cowpea (Vignaunguiculata (L.)Walp.)seeds. Continental Journal of Biological Science 6 (1): 37-42.

21.    Awurum, A.N and    Uchegbu, P.C(2013)Development of Wet rot disease of Amaranthuscruentus L. caused byChoaneophoracucurbitarum(Berk. And Rav.)Thax.In response to phytochemical Treatments and inoculation methods.Advancement in Medicinal Plant Research. 1(3):66-71.

22.    Awurum, A.N. and Uwajimgba, J. (2013)        Varietal screening and comparative toxicity of some plant extractsfor control of Fusariumwilt of Groundunt (Arachishypogara L.) Continental J. Agric Science 7 (1):11-16.

23.    Enyiukwu, D.N and    Awurum, A.N.(2013)Fungitoxic Principles and in vitro antifungal activity of extracts from a Carica papaya and Piper guinense on Colletotrichumdestructium. Continental J.Biological Sciences 6(1): 29-36.

24.    Enyiukwu, D.N andAwurum, A.N.(2013)Fungitoxic effects ofCarica Papaya and Piper guineese extracts b    against ColletotrichumDestructivum in the glass house continent J. Agric.Sc. 7(1): 23-28.

25.    Awurum, A.N (2013)Varietal Response of cowpea (Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp to folia diseases and cropping systems. Journal of Sustainable and environment (JSAE) Vol. 14 (1& 2): 59-78.

26.    Awurum, A.N., Enyiukwu, D.N., and Ucheagwu, P.O. (2014) Effectiveness of Duration of Storage and Phytochemicals in the Management of Sed-Borne Mycoflora of stored Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata(L) Walp) seeds.Greener journal of Agronomy, Forestry and Horticulture. Vol. 2 (2): 22-26.

27.    Enyiukwu, D.N and    Awurum, A.N.andNwaneri, J.A. (2014a), Mycotoxins in Stored Agricultural Products: Implications to Food Safety and Health and Prospects of Plant-derived Pesticides as Novel Approach to Their Management. Green Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials.Vol. 2(3): 32-48.

28.    Enyiukwu, D.N and    Awurum, A.N.andNwaneri, J.A. (2014b) Potentials of Hausa Potato (Solenostemonrotundifolius (Poir.) J. K. Morton and Management of its Tuber Rot in Nigeria.Greener journal of Agronomy, Forestry and Horticulture. Vol. 2 (2): 27-37.

29.    Enyiukwu, D.N and    Awurum, A.N.andNwaneri, J.A. (2014): Efficacy of plant-derived pesticides in the control of myco-induced postharvest rots of tubers and agricultural products: A review. NET Journal of  Agricultural Science vol. 2(1), 30-46.

30.    Enyiukwu, D.N and    Awurum, A.N, Ononuju, C.C. .andNwaneri, J.A. (2014). Significance of characterization of secondary metabolites from extracts of higher plants in plant disease management. International Journary of Advance Agricultural Research.vol 2: 8-28.

Awurum, A.N., Emechebe, A.M. and Erinle, I.D (1996).  Leaf spots of winged bean
(Psophocarpustetragonolobus (L) DC) induced by Cercosporapsophcarpicolaand
Macrophominaphaseolinain Zaria Area of Nigeria.  Proceeding of 14th HORTSON
Conference.Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria. 1- 4 April, 1996.

Osodeke, V, Emmanuel and Awurum, A.N. (2000).  Estimation of water requirement of
early and late season Onion (Allium cepa) in Umudike area.  Proceedings of the 26th
Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria. Ibadan, Oct. 30 – Nov, 3, 2000.

Umuchuruba, C.I., Awurum, A.N. and Ononuju, C.C. (2005). Management of yam foliar
diseses at Isuochi, Research paper presented to Department of Research and
Statistics, Federal Ministry of Environment, Abuja, Nigeria.


1.    Effect of seed Disinfection and Plating Medium on germination of winged bean seed.  A paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at NRCRI, Umudike, Nigeria. 28 – 31st May, 1995.

2.    Detection of seed-borne mycoflora of winged bean in relation to seed disinfection and planting medium.  A paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria held at Edo State University, Nigeria 5th – 8th Nov. 1995.

3.    The utilization of Animal Dungs as organic fertilizer in the improvement of Maize performance at Umudike.  A paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of A.S.N. held at Edo State University. Nigeria. 5th – 8th Nov., 1995.

4.    Leaf spots of winged bean induced by Cercosporapsophocarpicolaand Macrophominaphaseolinain the Zaria area of Nigeria.  A paper presented at the Horticultural Society of Nigeria held at Ogun State University, Nigeria. 1st – 4th April, 1996.

5.    Effect of planting dates on the performance of cowpea in the South-eastern zone of Nigeria.  A paper presented at the 36th Annual Conference of Science Society of Nigeria held at Delta State University, Nigeria. 7th – 11th April, 1997.

6.    Effect of Population density on the growth and yield of Onion in the humid tropics of South-eastern Nigeria.  A paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the A.S.N. held at ABU, Zaria, Nigeria.  4th – 7th May, 1997.

7.    The effect of disease and staking on yield and yield components of winged bean.  A paper presented at the 25th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at ABU, Zaria, Nigeria. 25th – 26th May, 1997.

8.    Response of Onion (Allium cepa L) to rates of inorganic fertilizer and manure in humid tropics of South-eastern Nigeria, 32nd Annual Conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria.  Federal College of Agriculture, Isiagu. Nigeria. Sept., 13 – 16, 1998.

9.    Fungal and Bacterial Disease of cowpea (Vignaunguiculata(L) Walp) in the humid tropics of South-eastern Nigeria, 27th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection NIFOR, Benin City, Nigeria. Sept., 3 – 7, 1999.

10.    Effect of Cropping System on disease development in Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata (L) Walp) in the humid tropics of South-eastern Nigeria.  World Cowpea Research Conference, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 4th – 7th Sept., 2000.

11.    Development of Pseudocercosporaleaf spot on Cowpea in intercrop system. 32nd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP), UNIPORT, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, 15th – 20th May, 2005.

12.    Varietal Responses of Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata(L) Walp) to foliar diseases and cropping systems, 24th Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria, (HORTSON). Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria. 17th – 21st Sept., 2006.  
13.    Weed Science Society of Nigeria (WSSN) 38th Annual Conference Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. 1st – 4th November, 2010.
14.    Fungitoxic of some Plant Extracts on Wet not of Amarauthus induced by Chaonephorecucurbitarum.36th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection.Federal University of Technology, Akure.   4 – 8th September, 2011.

15.    PhytchemicalToxity of Seed-borne mycoflora of two onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars.37th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 6th – 10th May, 2012.

16.    Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, 38th Annual Conference, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, 10-14th March, 2013.

17.    Control of fungal diseases of onion(Allium cepa L.) using extracts of some plants. 39th Annual Conference of the Nigerai Society for Plant Protection.LadokeAkintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. 24-27th March, 2014.


Deputy Dean, College of Crop and Soil Sciences, MOUAU. 2009 –2010.
Head, Department of Plant Health Management, MOUAU, 2010 – 2012
Head, Department of Plant Health Management, MOUAU, 2014 – Date
SIWES Co-Ordinator, Department of Plant Health Management, 2001 – 2010
Member, College Postgraduate Committee 2002 to date
Member, Department of Plant Health Management Postgraduate Committee, 2002 to date
SIWES Co-ordinator,College of Crop and Soil Sciences, 2005 – 2010
Member, University Sub-Committee on Evaluation of Post-Ume Screening Forms, 2006
Co-ordinator Postgraduate Programme, Department of Plant Health Management, 2006 – 2010
Member, University Examination Time-Table Committee,  2008 – 2010
Member, MOUAU Extension Committee, 2008
Member,  University Committee Procurement of Books, 2008
Member, College of Crop and Soil Sciences Committee on Organic Agriculture, 2008
Chairman, College of Crop & Soil Sciences Welfare Committee, 2008
Chairman, College of Crop & Soil Sciences Committee on Articulation of programmes Research and Training Unit, 2009
Members, Department of Plant Health Management Curriculum Review and Career Development for Undergraduate, 2010

Nigerian Society for Plant Protection
Agricultural Society of Nigeria
Horticultural Society of Nigeria
Weed Science Society of Nigeria
American Phytopathological Society


Research Extension Work
Member, University Extension Team Collaborating with Agricultural Rejuvenation Project, Isuochi, Abia State

Member, Rotary International, 2001 to date
Staff Adviser, Association of Plant Health Management Students, 2005 to date
President, Rotary Club of Umudike Central, 2006
State co-ordinator, Nigeria National PolioPlus Committee, 2008 -2010
Staff Adviser, Association of Continue Education Students, MOUAU, 2009 to date
Chief Examiner, Shell Petroleum Development Corporation Annual National Safety Competition, 2012 to date
Member, Special Marshal, Federal Road Safety Corp, 2002 to date
Co-ordinator, Unit 12 SMP, FRSC, 9.3, 2010 to date
Zonal Co-ordinator, Nigeria National PolioPlus Committee, 2010 -2013
Chairman, Harvest Committee St. Thomas Aquinas Chaplaincy MOUAU, 2011
Petron, Church Wardens St. Thomas Aquinas Chaplaincy MOUAU, 2012 to date
Petron, Altar Night (Mass Servers) St. Thomas Aquinas Chaplaincy MOUAU, 2013 to date
Staff Adviser, Rotract Club of MOUAU, 2012 to date
District 9140, Rotary International  PolioPlus Committee Chair, 2013-2014
Member, Rotary International, 2001 to date
Member, Special Marshal, Federal Road Safety Corp, 2002 to date
Member, ASUU Welfare Committee, 2010 to date
Member, Nigeria National PolioPlus Committee, 2010 -2013

Member, LOC, Weed Science Society of Nigeria (WSSN), MOUAU, 1999
Member, LOC, Nigerian Soyabean Society Association, MOUAU, 2001
Zonal Co-ordinator (South- East) Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, 2010 to date
Secretary, LOC, Nigerian Society for Plant Protection 38th Annual Conference, Umudike, 2012

Gardening, Reading and Indoor-games.


Prof. A. M. Emechebe, –    Department of Plant Protection, Bayero University, Kano,

Prof. A.C. Amadioha  –    Department of Plant Health Management, Michael Okpara
University ofAgriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.

Prof. C.I. Umechuruba,-    Department of Plant Health Management, Michael Okpara
University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.